Showing posts from May, 2023

Find the factorial of a number using java.

Problem:- Write a program to find the factorial number using a while loop in Java? Solution:- Let's see 1st what is the factorial number. The multiplication of all integers from 1 to the given number is called a factorial num…

Java logical questions and answer

Write a Java program to check whether a number is a palindrome or not? Write a Java program to check whether the given two strings are anagrams or not? Write a program to find the factorial number using a while loop in Java. Writ…

Anagram check using java

Problem:- Write a Java program to check whether the given two strings are anagrams or not? Solution:-  So, Let's first understand what is anagrams.     If a string character is equal to the other string characters where the o…

Logical questions and answer

Write a Java program to check whether a number is palindrome or not? Answer:- So, First let's see what is palindrome. Palindrome is a phrase, word, number or sequence of characters that should be the same reverse as well. Fo…

Functional Interface

A functional interface is an interface that has exactly only one abstract method(SAM). Example:- Sample example without and with a functional interface and lambda interface. @FunctionalInterface public interface Bike { public …

Lambda Expressions

A Lambda expression is a new feature in Java 8 that enables it to treat a function as method arguments and a concise code representation of an anonymous function that can be passed. Anonymous means no name, as it is a function wi…

Java 8 features

Java 8 was a big changes in java language. It have a lot of new extra feature without changes any old way of coding pattern, But in java 8 have totally change the way on coding pattern. It means without impacting old way having …

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